Kita mulakan dengan.....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA!!
" Dalam keadaan suhu politik negara agak panas sekarang, tiba-tiba muncul pula berita gempar mendakwa seorang bekas menteri dituduh melakukan gangguan seksual ke atas seorang wanita pelayan hotel berumur 30 tahun. Kejadian tersebut dikatakan berlaku di sebuah hotel bertaraf lima bintang di Kuala Lumpur baru-baru ini semasa menteri berkenaan bersama-sama beberapa rakannya sedang menikmati cigar (cerut) di sebuah kelab eksklusif yang terletak dalam hotel berkenaan. Kisah itu mula berlegar dalam internet sejak Isnin malam dan mencetuskan berbagai tandatanya khususnya siapakah bekas menteri itu. Asalnya ada juga yang menduga ia cerita tak berasas yang sengaja disebarkan menerusi internet. Namun kisah itu semakin jelas apabila Selasa Ketua Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Kuala Lumpur, SAC II, Ku Chin Wah semasa ditanya mengenai isu berkenaan mengesahkan polis ada menerima laporan mendakwa kes cabul melibatkan bekas menteri itu. Katanya laporan polis itu telah dibuat di ibu pejabat polis Brickfield, Kuala Lumpur. “Buat masa ini bekas menteri itu berada di luar negara… nanti dululah setakat ini kita masih dalam siasatan,” jelasnya ketika ditanya perkembangan siasatan kes berkenaan. Menurut beliau, laporan polis tersebut telah dibuat pada 14 April lalu dan siasatan dijalankan di bawah Akta 320 Kanun Keseksaan.
Laporan dalam internet mendakwa kejadian bermula bila bekas menteri itu memegang tangan pelayan itu. Ketika pelayan itu berlalu bekas menteri berkenaan mengekori dari belakang dan meraba punggungnya menyebabkan pelayan itu menjerit dan memanggil teman lelakinya yang kebetulan bekerja di situ. Tindakan bekas menteri itu menyebabkan pelayan wanita berkenaan menjerit dan memanggil teman lelakinya yang turut bekerja di hotel yang sama. Bekas menteri berkenaan dikatakan menang dalam pilihanraya umum 8 Mac tetapi tidak dilantik semula dalam kabinet. Beliau dikatakan adalah pelanggan regular kelab berkenaan dan kenal dengan pelayan itu.." - ( 21,4,08 - agendadaily )
jelasnya disini, tak kiralah sama ada berita ini benar ataupon sebaliknya ia tetap ada asas kukuh untuk dirisaukan parti yg memerintah..sejak tersebar luasnya 'tayangan perdana' aksi2 pnuh ghairah bernafsu brutal menteri ubat -ubatan unta tua tak lama dlu diranjang bersama kekasih sulitnya,kerajaan sudah terpalit dgn kutukan demi kutukan yg memalukan!sekarang timbul pula isu pnas sbegini dicelah2 kegawatan politik kerajaan terutama umno..ini semua menambah lagi kepeningan Pak Lah yg sudah dicop sbagai PM lembab lembik oleh pihak lawan yg x pernah kenal erti kasihan dan makna stop!!huhuu...saya btul2 bersimpati pada dia ni...saya x kesiankn sgt si bkas menteri tu sbb skurang-kurangnya dia sudah tiada jawatan dlm kerajaan sekarang, tapi saya btul2 simpati dgn 'mr. clean' ni...setulus simpati...tpi stakat simpati aje la.hihi..
kenapa perlu simpati?alasannya adalah..
* apa yg bekas menteri ni lakukan jika benar dakwaan adalh betul2 bertentangan dgn prinsip islam hadhari yg dilaung -laungkan selama ini oleh pak lah.hancur punah islam hadhari krna org ramai akan kata kalau pemimpin pon truk, apa teladan hadhari yg ada yg boleh ditunjukkan kpada rakyat.
* dalm tempoh getir paklah sedang cuba menyuusun balik barisan kerajaan dan parti yg berkecamuk dek kalh teruk dlm PRU lepas, hal sbegini mnambahkan lgi perit.
* isu ini boleh mnjadi tak terkawal dan besar kemungkinan akan mnjadi buah mulut utama pihak lawan yg sentiasa mnunggu masa utk 'mencekik' paklah habis- habisan.
*ini menmbahkan lagi ketidakyakinan masyarakat pada pimpinan parti2 pemerintah kerana masyrakat kita rata2 beranggapan ketandusan moral menunjukkan kekontangan kemampuan untk memerintah walaupun hakikatnya ia bukan sebegitu.
*sgala usaha utk memulihkan kembali keyakinn rakyat pda pemerintahn akan hancur berkecai dlm skelip mata jika dakwaan ini btul2 benar.sekarang ini,keyakinan masyarakt pada pemimpin bgitu pada tahap begitu rapuh mnunngu patah..
ini semua jika disahkan berlaku, nmpaknya riwayat paklah sebagi PM akn tamat xlama lagi dan dia akn dinobatkan sebagi PM yg pling singkat berada di tampuk kuasa ngara..harap2 apa2 pon yg terjadi, mmberikan seribu satu hikmah dan kebaikan kpada semua...fenin2
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Just Close Your Eyes and Imagine!!
This is a wonderful poem. I hope it sheds some light in everyone's life.
Ask yourself these questions,
*If I were to die will Allah (swt) be pleased with me?
*What I have done in my life till now?
* Have I just been chasing after the dunia & not Allah's happiness?
*Have I made the world a better place with my presence?
*hve I done anything for Islam today and most Importantly did I pray?????????
Dear brothers and sisters, think of a list of the most important things to you .. What number is Allah (swt) on that list? try to make amends, beg for Allah's forgiveness . .......
Just Close Your Eyes And Imagine
Just close your eyes and imagine, You have just one more day to live;One more day to show Allah,What "Jannah" he should give? To say goodbye to your family,And all your closest friends; To ask for forgiveness, And try to make amends;
Just close your eyes and imagine,Did you miss a prayer or two?Did you please Allah, and do the things,He asks every person to do?
Just close your eyes and imagine,Tomorrow you will be gone; No more second chances,To smell the mist of dawn;
Just close your eyes and imagine,The angels are going to come,To take your soul and ask,In your life "what have you done"?
Just close your eyes and imagine,The words you want to say; Will not come out you may realize,For all your deeds you'll pay;You want to speak out, to cry out,In Allah I believe;But, silence beckons you, No more can u deceive;
Just close your eyes and imagine, Finally, Your silence breaks away;You tell the angels you believe in Allah, And for him, you did pray;You say as tears are pouring down your face Please, Allah, forgive me,For the sins that I committed, Have mercy is my plea!
Just close your eyes and imagine, That the smell of musk surrounds you, From your head down to your feet;You realize Allah forgave you,Hell fire you did defeat; But we all know as Muslims, When it's time for you to die;You'll not be given a second chance,To say a last goodbye; So live each day as If it's your last, And never forget to pray;So when the angels come to ask, You'll know the words to say.
Remember Brother & Sisters...we are all here in this world for just awhile...make the most of everyday & do what's required if not more
Come to think of it, how long is a person's life in this world? How far is death? When a person is born, Azaan is said in his ears. He then lives a life of, say 70 years. Then when he dies, shortly afterwards is the solat jenazah prayed.
So how long is his life? 70 years? Wrong! His whole life is like the brief period of time between Azaan and Jemaah....
Ask yourself these questions,
*If I were to die will Allah (swt) be pleased with me?
*What I have done in my life till now?
* Have I just been chasing after the dunia & not Allah's happiness?
*Have I made the world a better place with my presence?
*hve I done anything for Islam today and most Importantly did I pray?????????
Dear brothers and sisters, think of a list of the most important things to you .. What number is Allah (swt) on that list? try to make amends, beg for Allah's forgiveness . .......
Just Close Your Eyes And Imagine
Just close your eyes and imagine, You have just one more day to live;One more day to show Allah,What "Jannah" he should give? To say goodbye to your family,And all your closest friends; To ask for forgiveness, And try to make amends;
Just close your eyes and imagine,Did you miss a prayer or two?Did you please Allah, and do the things,He asks every person to do?
Just close your eyes and imagine,Tomorrow you will be gone; No more second chances,To smell the mist of dawn;
Just close your eyes and imagine,The angels are going to come,To take your soul and ask,In your life "what have you done"?
Just close your eyes and imagine,The words you want to say; Will not come out you may realize,For all your deeds you'll pay;You want to speak out, to cry out,In Allah I believe;But, silence beckons you, No more can u deceive;
Just close your eyes and imagine, Finally, Your silence breaks away;You tell the angels you believe in Allah, And for him, you did pray;You say as tears are pouring down your face Please, Allah, forgive me,For the sins that I committed, Have mercy is my plea!
Just close your eyes and imagine, That the smell of musk surrounds you, From your head down to your feet;You realize Allah forgave you,Hell fire you did defeat; But we all know as Muslims, When it's time for you to die;You'll not be given a second chance,To say a last goodbye; So live each day as If it's your last, And never forget to pray;So when the angels come to ask, You'll know the words to say.
Remember Brother & Sisters...we are all here in this world for just awhile...make the most of everyday & do what's required if not more
Come to think of it, how long is a person's life in this world? How far is death? When a person is born, Azaan is said in his ears. He then lives a life of, say 70 years. Then when he dies, shortly afterwards is the solat jenazah prayed.
So how long is his life? 70 years? Wrong! His whole life is like the brief period of time between Azaan and Jemaah....